
4146 postagens

Nota Hidrometeorológica e Geológica SDC/SC 14/04 – Chuvas intensas e volumosas elevam risco de deslizamentos, alagamentos e enxurradas. Palhoça registra cerca de 500 mm chuva entre sábado (13) e domingo (14), cerca de 4 vezes o esperado para todo o mês

Meteorologista chefe: Felipe Theodorovitz Meteorologista: Nicolle Reis Geólogo: Matheus Klein Flach Hidrólogo: Dieyson Pelinson   Desde a última quarta-feira (10), a circulação marítima mantém a chuva persistente e volumosa no Litoral de Santa Catarina. Nos últimos 4 dias, segundo dados das estações meteorológicas oficiais da EPAGRI, INMET e CEMADEN, Tabela […]

Atualização: Nota meteorológica conjunta SDC – Epagri/Ciram 13/04: Chuvas seguem ocorrendo de forma persistente no litoral catarinense até o domingo (14) e a condição para temporais em todo o estado aumenta nos próximos dias

A chuva que desde a sexta-feira dia (12) ocorre no litoral de Santa Catarina devido à circulação marítima se estendeu à Grande Florianópolis e Litoral Norte no decorrer da noite de ontem (12) e na madrugada deste sábado (13), com registro de volumes entre 30 a 60 mm. Esta condição […]

The Reasons For Visible Veins: Recognizing the Elements Behind This Usual Problem

Noticeable capillaries on the body can be a source of concern and self-consciousness for lots of people. Whether they appear on the legs, arms, or various other locations, these capillaries can be unpleasant and impact one’s self-confidence. Comprehending the reasons behind visible blood vessels is necessary in order to seek […]

The Number Of Pills Is Too Much: Comprehending Safe Medicine Dose

Medicines play a crucial role in handling different health conditions and also boosting general wellness. Nevertheless, it is necessary to take them sensibly, as taking a lot of pills can have unfavorable effects on your wellness. In this short article, we will certainly explore the concept of safe drug dose […]

The Indications of Diabetic Issues: Acknowledging the Warning Signals

Diabetes is a chronic problem impactin oculax farmacia teig millions of people worldwide. It happens when the body can no longer manage blood glucose levels effectively, resulting in high blood glucose degrees. Early discovery as well as prompt monitoring of diabetes mellitus are vital to avoid complications and also keep […]

Payment Approaches in Online Casino Sites: A Comprehensive Guide

When it involves taking pleasure in the excitement of online gambling establishments, one essential facet that gamers require to think about is the repayment approaches available. With the development of modern technology, online gambling enterprises have expanded their 1xbet online series of options to cater to the varied needs of […]